Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I just completed the first half of my teaching career. It was a year that was endured through many challenging circumstances. By all rights, I should feel lucky to have survived after trying to teach music over an incredible amount of noise. You know what? I'm more proud of the accomplishments than ever before. It's true . . . Schools are about people, not fancy technology, not pretty classrooms . . . Although I'll never ever undervalue my classrooms' windows. But really, my kids came in, learned, smiled, aughed, and cried. It's really that simple. Schools are about kids. I made a lot of great music with my kids this year. I'm proud of them and when I take the time to feel this, the other grueling stresses start fading. Yes I'm exhausted. Yes I need some time to recover. But I'm strangely already looking forward to next year . . . I'll be back in my beautiful classroom. I'll have all my teaching materials at my fingertips. I'll have access to our wonderful rehearsal rooms. I won't have to beg people to stop talking while I am trying to teach. All will be right in my beautiful musical environment. I wonder if this will inspire my kids to practice . . . ;o)