Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glen Beck is clever . . . and dangerous.

He knew exactly what he was doing . . . by scheduling his so called "non political rally" for the same day as Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I've Got A Dream" speech, he invited extra publicity and comparisons to a great American. Glen Beck is not a great American. He's a populist for white lower income Americans who have been told that they haven't had a voice until his coming. He's also a blatant flip flopper. He's made racist comments and then pulls a stunt like today. Americans that view him in a positive light seem to be accepting of his contradictions. I find that puzzling . . . do Americans really feel so ignored by politicians that they are willing to accept one opinion on one day and a contradicting opinion on another day. Politicians have been undone by changing opinions in the past . . . why is Beck able to maintain his support?
Bill Clinton once said that "When Americans think, democrats win." Well . . . we're currently not thinking very well. I recently read an article that laid out the Obama presidency very clearly . . . he's actually doing rather well.
I like the perspective . . . and am perplexed as to why American followers of people like Glen Beck are working so hard to prevent this president from succeeding . . . it's not like they are going to hurt President Obama in the long run. He's going to finish his presidency in four or eight years, and will then go off to a lucrative life of speaking and being an elder statesman.
The fact is that Beck/Palin/Savage/Limbaugh followers are only going to hurt themselves in the long run . . . higher taxes, less government support for things like policemen, firemen, road maintenance, public facilities, national parks, safety in things like food and medicines, . . . I find it intriguing that Beck/Limbaugh/Palin followers want less government and yet they are the first to claim that the government has failed people if there is a natural disaster. Do you really think that these people would be popular if they were in office and eliminated all the public programs that they label as "taking money out of hardworking American's pockets"?
A current poll blames the Obama presidency for the purported unreadiness of another hurricane disaster like Katrina. I have heard public financial support as being a "handout" many times over the past months. There are very few people who can say that they won't ever need public financial support in their lifetime . . . don't you want that safety net? And then there are the people who say that social security is a handout and should be eliminated . . . do you really engage in responsible saving? Considering the statistics on the small number of people who are wealthy, I doubt it. Most of you would frivolously spend the money put into FICA rather than saving it. I just heard that GM is going well in China . . . how many birthers/Palinist/Beck followers give credit to the TARP bill for saving this company? Furthermore, have these followers spoken to any GM auto workers who still have jobs because of public support.
Come one people, you can't have your cake and eat it too . . . if we don't start developing respect for our public leaders, no intelligent people will go into public service. You don't have to agree on everything but you don't have to lie, take facts out of context, and accuse your president of being an extremist Muslim either. You can worship at the alter of Glen Beck and Sarah Palin, but the fact is, if you were penniless and begging on the street they'd walk on by . . . without sharing their wealth. And yes, they are part of the wealthy elite in this country. Do you really want Glen Beck's America? It's not like he's going to put his money where is mouth is and run for public office. He plays it safe and stays where he can talk but not be involved in the actual governing process.
Frankly, this American is proud of the principles that our country was founded upon but isn't particularly proud of Americans at this time in history.